Our Mission Statement
The mission of Laborers in Christ Ministry is to preach the reconciliation of man to God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in His death at the cross by teaching and training believers in the Word of God. Our mission also encompasses maintaining the worship of God and equipping believers for the work of ministering to this church and the community. We will do this by witnessing to the world through the preaching of the gospel and the ministry of mercy.
Our Vision Statement
As believers of Christ, we envision a ministry that is capable of bringing more people to the saving knowledge of Christ. By emulating a Christ-like character, we hope for people to see that Christ lives in us. Ultimately, in the life we live, we aim to bring glory to the name of God.
Our Church History
Laborers in Christ is a Christian congregation in Birmingham, Alabama. It was started on the 27th of January 2008 and was incorporated on the 18th of June 2008.
During its first service in a residential house, only 5 people were in attendance. On the next services, church attendance began to grow. We had 15 people in the same venue. On the 10th of February 2008, we decided to move to Howard Johnson Hotel in order to accommodate the growing number of attendees. In May, 3 months later, we needed an even bigger space. As such, decided to move to the then Country Inn and Hearth Hotel in Oxmoor Road in Homewood, Alabama. The ministry continually grew, having an average membership/attendance of 150 people. In July, Laborers in Christ moved to a rented location on 95 Robert Jemison Road, Birmingham, Alabama 35309. Years later, in December 2012, we were blessed with our current location at 2708 Temple Dr., Birmingham, Alabama 35209.
Our Ministry Today
Since then, we have experienced continual growth in membership. The church grew spiritually and also in numbers. To ensure the continual growth of the Laborers in Christ, we have outreach strategies through our Missions and Mercy Ministries. These Ministries operate as the need arises. Occasionally, we offer financial support to Ministries preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in and outside of the USA. In times of disaster, Laborers in Christ have joined others to offer support to victims of tornadoes, hurricanes, or other disasters. We provide help through our partnerships with other churches and like-minded organizations such as the American Red Cross. The governing council is a Board of 8 Elders appointed by the senior pastor – Pastor Jacob Gathogo, according to our Bylaws or Constitution.
Pastors Appreciation 2019

If you are looking for counsel in your walk with God, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will help you identify God’s plan for your life.